2016年9月10日 星期六

Tea or Coffee?

     歡迎各位新鮮人來到這教室,入寶山,千萬別空手回! (抱歉,我們這兒沒有Pokemon go,但是有真真實實的無價之寶,等大家用慧眼尋覓)

     一般大學都稱作大一英文,我們學校稱做「基礎英文」(Basic English),坦白說,雖然課程名稱不是我訂的,但是我還蠻喜歡這說法。我的理解是基礎功夫最重要,例如學繪畫的人都了解,必須不斷重新回頭學習色彩、線條、光影等基礎功課。所以,不論我們現在英文功力如何,每天還是得練習基礎功課。
     甚麼是英文的基礎功夫? 你說呢? 我個人以為閱讀就是英文的基本功,每天閱讀一段文章、大聲朗誦、熟悉文章的用字遣詞和語法,這就是基本功。宋朝黃庭堅居士說:「士大夫三日不讀書,則義理不交於胸中,對鏡覺面目可憎,向人亦語言無味。」我看今日社會充滿怨懟憎惡之氣息,或許可以試試多讀書,變化氣質! 就學習英文而言,最好每天閱讀、朗誦,免得「語言無味」或者說的卡卡的!
     就開始品味基礎英文的美妙吧! Tea or Coffee? Sure, tea! 選擇,就是「品味」 (taste),這學期選了六篇課外閱讀,第一篇選自BBC:

           Why do the British Love the Taste of Tea So Much?

     文章第一段用了have a fondness for its flavourdevotion,說明英國人熱愛茶的程度,不單單是著迷,還有一種神聖的氛圍。

     或許今天或明天下午,來杯下午茶,慢慢讀這篇文章,品嚐一下箇中滋味,下次分享,為何英國人如此愛喝茶! Tell us why the British love the taste of tea so much!

Camellia sinensis

information from Wikipedia
Camellia sinensis is a species of evergreen shrub or small tree whose leaves and leaf buds are used to produce tea. It is of the genus Camellia (Chinese: 茶花; pinyin: Cháhuā, literally: "tea flower") of flowering plants in the family Theaceae. Common names include "tea plant", "tea shrub", and "tea tree" (not to be confused with Melaleuca alternifolia, the source of tea tree oil, or Leptospermum scoparium, the New Zealand teatree).
Two major varieties are grown: Camellia sinensis var. sinensis for Chinese teas, and Camellia sinensis var. assamica for Indian Assam teas.[2] White tea, yellow tea, green tea, oolong, pu-erh tea and black tea are all harvested from one or the other, but are processed differently to attain varying levels of oxidation. Kukicha (twig tea) is also harvested from Camellia sinensis, but uses twigs and stems rather than leaves.
茶樹(學名:Camellia sinensis),屬山茶科山茶屬,為多年生常綠木本植物。為喬木,在熱帶地區也有喬木型茶樹高達1530米,基部樹圍1.5米以上。栽培茶樹往往通過修剪來抑制縱向生長,所以樹高多在0.81.2米間。

