2017年2月14日 星期二


αὐτὰρ ἐπεὶ λοῦσέν τε καὶ ἔχρισεν λίπ᾽ ἐλαίῳ,
ἀμφὶ δέ μιν φᾶρος καλὸν βάλεν ἠδὲ χιτῶνα,
ἔκ ῥ᾽ ἀσαμίνθου βῆ δέμας ἀθανάτοισιν ὁμοῖος: (Od. 3.466-468)

And when she had bathed him and anointed him with oil, and had cast about him a fair cloak and a tunic, forth he came from the bath in form like immortals;

χρίω touch the surface of a body slightly, rub, anoint with scented unguents or oil

ἔλαιον olive-oil
φᾶρος a large piece of cloth, web, a wide cloak or mantle
χιτών garment worn next the skin, tunic
ἀσάμινθος bathing-tub

Nestor的待客之道還包含提供Telemachus沐浴和換新衣服。洗完澡之後,全身抹橄欖油,內外衣服都換新的一套,香噴噴、亮晶晶的Telemachus,看起來跟神一樣! 可見洗澡多麼愉悅,堪稱人生至福,神仙的生活也不過如此。

The Greeks
The oldest archeological findings in Europe related to bathing habits date from the Bronze Age (2,400 – 800 BC). In the palaces of Knossos and Phaistos in Crete, the population of the Aegean Minoan civilization has left traces of special chambers devoted to bathing. Alabaster bathtubs excavated in Akrotiri (in Santorini Island), as well as wash basins and feet baths, showed how people from the Minoan civilization maintained their personal hygiene.

