2017年4月16日 星期日

20170416年筆記: 乞力伽與東西方的萬靈丹



      一般說法,乞力伽,別名有:白朮貢術杭術於潛術仙居術吃力伽炒白朮焦術焦白朮山薊 天薊山連山精冬白朮浙術 種術楊枹薊山芥於術冬術,是菊科植物,學名:Atractylodes macrocephala (白朮)
      依照 Hui-Lin LiNan-fan Ts’ao-mu Chuang: A Fourth Century Flora of Southeast Asia. Introduction. Translation. Commentaries.中的註解乞力伽也可能是Atractylodes lancea (蒼朮);但是,無論是白朮或蒼朮,都是中國常見藥品,主要是北方的植物,非來自南方:

This is a medicinal plant widely distributed in China, but it is primarily a northern plant and not found in southern China. I believe this may refer to theriaca, the panacea of the ancient Western world and the account quoted above is probably the earliest in China. (p.64)

Hui-Lin Li的說法,乞力伽可以視作英文theriaca的音譯,也就是西方的「萬靈丹」;Hui-Lin Li還引用李約瑟的說法佐證。

Needham, Joseph. Science and Civilization in China: v. 6. Biology and biological technology. pt. 1. Botany. Taipei, Taiwan: Caves Books, 1985.

Li, Hui-Lin. Nan-fan Ts’ao-mu Chuang: A Fourth Century Flora of Southeast Asia. Introduction. Translation. Commentaries. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1979.

