2017年1月9日 星期一

20170109—tell what you have need of

χαῖρε, ξεῖνε, παρ᾽ ἄμμι φιλήσεαι: αὐτὰρ ἔπειτα
δείπνου πασσάμενος μυθήσεαι ὅττεό σε χρή. (Od. 1.123-124)

Hail, stranger! in our house you shall find entertainment, and then, when you have tasted food, you shall tell what you have need of.

Telemachus招呼雅典娜,第一,他會熱情招待客人 (φιλήσεαι/φιλέω) treat affectionately or kindly, esp. welcome, entertain a guest,友善的態度十分重要;第二,他會提供食物給出外人,因為古代食物取得不易,出門在外常常餓肚子,給客人吃飽,也是慣例;第三,吃飽後,他會熱心問客人需要怎樣協助。這就是古希臘的待客之道。古希臘人認為宙斯會保護出外人,若不進待客之道會招到宙斯 嚴懲,下面的圖說明此理念。


下圖資料: Jupiter and Mercurius in the House of Philemon and Baucis (1630–33) by the workshop of Rubens: Zeus (Jupiter) and Hermes (Mercurius), testing a village’s practice of hospitality, were received only by Baucis and Philemon, who were rewarded while their neighbors were punished.

