2017年1月10日 星期二

20170110—a chair

αὐτὴν δ᾽ ἐς θρόνον εἷσεν ἄγων, ὑπὸ λῖτα πετάσσας,
καλὸν δαιδάλεον: ὑπὸ δὲ θρῆνυς ποσὶν ἦεν. (Od. 1.130-131)

Athene herself he led and seated on a chair, spreading on it a linen cloth—a beautiful chair, richly wrought, and below was a footstool for the feet.

古希臘應該很早就有椅子,這裡的椅子可不是普通的椅子,希臘文是θρόνον,英文throne的字源! Telemachus帶著雅典娜進門,並請入上座,這張椅子極美、手工精緻,上面鋪著細緻的布料,還附有腳凳 (θρῆνυςfootstool),再次說明奧德修斯雖不在家,但家中仍遵照一定的禮儀與規範,視雅典娜為上賓,給最好的席次。

θρόνος seat, chair
θρῆνυς footstool

推薦網頁: Illustrated History Of Furniture

