2017年1月13日 星期五

20170113—consume my property

ἡ δ᾽ οὔτ᾽ ἀρνεῖται στυγερὸν γάμον οὔτε τελευτὴν
ποιῆσαι δύναται: τοὶ δὲ φθινύθουσιν ἔδοντες
οἶκον ἐμόν: τάχα δή με διαρραίσουσι καὶ αὐτόν.    (Od. 1.249-251)

And she neither refuses the hateful marriage, not is he able to settle the matter; but they with feasting consume my property; before long they will bring me too to ruin.

γάμον marriage, wedlock
δύναμαι to be able, strong enough
ἐμός mine


.Penelope at the loom and Telemachos. Attic red-figured skyphos (5th BCE). Greek,5th BCE Museo Nazionale, Chiusi, Italy

