2017年1月22日 星期日

20170122—abumdant substance

... μέγα μὲν κλέος αὐτῇ
ποιεῖτ᾽, αὐτὰρ σοί γε ποθὴν πολέος βιότοιο.

Great fame she wins for herself, but for you regret for your abundance substance.  (Od. 2.125-126)

ποθή longing, desire for
βίοτος life, means of living, substance

        Penelope的聰慧救了自己,雖然被兒子嘲笑與指責,此外,Penelope和織布機也成了文學重要的典故 (參考之前的筆記)

1      Penelope Odyssey中是重要的女主角,本卷未提到男主角與女主角的對戲,
2      從求婚者的觀點,Penelope又可愛又可恨
2.1   90行,求婚者當中之一的Antinous說到Penelope時在聰明無比:「她一直在愚弄阿開奧斯人胸中的心靈」(she has been cheating the hearts of the Achaeans in their breasts/ ἐξ οὗ ἀτέμβει θυμὸν ἐνὶ στήθεσσιν Ἀχαιῶν) (Od. 2.90),愚弄這裡用的字是ἀτέμβω,也有挫折(frustrate)的意義。當然,Antinous所指的就是Penelope織布的技倆:
πάντας μέν ῥ᾽ ἔλπει καὶ ὑπίσχεται ἀνδρὶ ἑκάστῳ
ἀγγελίας προϊεῖσα, νόος δέ οἱ ἄλλα μενοινᾷ.
ἡ δὲ δόλον τόνδ᾽ ἄλλον ἐνὶ φρεσὶ μερμήριξε:
στησαμένη μέγαν ἱστὸν ἐνὶ μεγάροισιν ὕφαινε,
λεπτὸν καὶ περίμετρον. . . (Od. 2. 91-95)
To all she offer hopes, and has promises for each man, sending them messages, but her mind is set on other things. And she contrived in her heart this guileful thing also: she set up in her halls a great web, and fell to weaving—fine of thread was the web and very wide. . .
2.2   我覺得給人「希望的假像」確實是很大的傷害!聰明的人總以為他們能如此成功地愚弄別人,但這自作聰明的結果是他們必須付出更多更大的代價。 雖然這群求婚者真的很惹人厭,但是Penelope為什麼一定要用欺騙的手段?此外,這種希望的假像是這群求婚者自己篇織出來的嗎?
2.3   所以原本善意的織布變成一種陷阱、釣餌(δόλος)
2.4   織布的動詞是ὑφαίνω,在荷馬史詩中常出現,另一層含意就是策劃伎倆(contrive, plan, of all schemes, good or bad, which are craftily imagined)。更多細節可以閱讀Bergren, Ann. Weaving Truth: Essays on Language and the Female in Greek Thought. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2008.
3      白天織布,晚上拆毀(Then day by day she would weave at the great web, but by night would unravel it/ ἔνθα καὶ ἠματίη μὲν ὑφαίνεσκεν μέγαν ἱστόν νύκτας δ᾽ ἀλλύεσκεν, ἐπεὶ δαΐδας παραθεῖτο)(Od. 2.104-105; Od. 2.119),如是過了三年!就這麼輕易瞞過這群自稱高傲的心靈(θυμὸς ἀγήνωρ(Od. 2.103) 織(ὑφαίνω/weave)與拆(ἀναλύω/unloose, undo)的交替,一如故事的編織與消失,一如希望的升起與幻滅!
3.1   織布的故事會重複,也說明說故事者不同的觀點;在此是這群求婚傳達他們聽到Penelope對他們說:
κοῦροι ἐμοὶ μνηστῆρες, ἐπεὶ θάνε δῖος Ὀδυσσεύς,
μίμνετ᾽ ἐπειγόμενοι τὸν ἐμὸν γάμον, εἰς ὅ κε φᾶρος
ἐκτελέσω, μή μοι μεταμώνια νήματ᾽ ὄληται,
Λαέρτῃ ἥρωι ταφήιον, εἰς ὅτε κέν μιν
μοῖρ᾽ ὀλοὴ καθέλῃσι τανηλεγέος θανάτοιο,
μή τίς μοι κατὰ δῆμον Ἀχαιϊάδων νεμεσήσῃ.
αἴ κεν ἄτερ σπείρου κεῖται πολλὰ κτεατίσσας. (Od 2.96-102)
Young men, my suitors, since noble Odysseus is dead, be patient, though eager for my marriage, until I finish this robe—I would not have my spinning come to naught—a shroud for the hero Laertes, against the time when the cruel fate of pitiless death shall strike him down; for fear of the Achaean women in the land should cast blames upon me, if he were to lie without a shroud who had won great possessions.
3.2   我要再強調,這是那群情婚者覆誦的話,我們可以想像那諷刺、挖苦與無禮的口氣,因此稱謂—κοῦροι ἐμοὶ μνηστῆρες (Young men, my suitors)—顯得好笑,因為κοῦροι指小男生,好像點出Penelope和他們的年紀差異。而且Penelope會認定Odysseus已經死了嗎?
3.3   織的布或是壽衣(φᾶρος, a large piece of cloth, web, a wide cloak or mantle without sleeves),是預備給年邁的Laertes。但邏輯也是似是而非,因為怕被指責所以必須織壽衣(the burial sheet of a warrior)?因為Laertes有很多財富(πολλὰ κτεατίσσας),所以必須幫他預備壽衣?也看得出這群求婚者圖的是財產。所以他們這群惡棍,就惡意留在Penelope的家,裝瘋裝傻,天天大吃大喝,準備來個「坐吃山空」,把這些產業耗盡(Od. 2.123-28)
3.4   其實,這群求婚者也驚嘆Penelope的巧思巧手(knowledge of beautiful handiwork, and good sense, and cleverness),甚至優於其他希臘婦女:
εἰ δ᾽ ἔτ᾽ ἀνιήσει γε πολὺν χρόνον υἷας Ἀχαιῶν,
τὰ φρονέουσ᾽ ἀνὰ θυμόν, ὅ οἱ πέρι δῶκεν Ἀθήνη
ἔργα τ᾽ ἐπίστασθαι περικαλλέα καὶ φρένας ἐσθλὰς
κέρδεά θ᾽, οἷ᾽ οὔ πώ τιν᾽ ἀκούομεν οὐδὲ παλαιῶν,
τάων αἳ πάρος ἦσαν ἐυπλοκαμῖδες Ἀχαιαί,
Τυρώ τ᾽ Ἀλκμήνη τε ἐυστέφανός τε Μυκήνη (Od. 2.115-20)
But if she shall continue for long to vex the sons of the Achaeans, possessing in her mind those advantages with which Athene has endowed her above other women, knowledge of beautiful handiwork, and good sense, and cleverness, such as we have never yet heard that any of the women of old knew, those fair-tressed Achaean women who lived long ago, Tyro and Alcmene and Mycene of the fair crown. . .
4      從兒子Telemachos的觀點,相依為命多年的母親並非軟弱無能,只是在辯駁這群求婚者時,Telemachos透露出幾分無奈(Od. 2.129-145),論點也很薄弱。很明顯,Penelope不會主動改嫁,所以如果Telemachos逼母親離開家(ἀέκουσαν ἀπῶσαι),他要面對賠償的問題:
Ἀντίνο᾽, οὔ πως ἔστι δόμων ἀέκουσαν ἀπῶσαι
ἥ μ᾽ ἔτεχ᾽, ἥ μ᾽ ἔθρεψε: πατὴρ δ᾽ ἐμὸς ἄλλοθι γαίης,
ζώει ὅ γ᾽ ἦ τέθνηκε: κακὸν δέ με πόλλ᾽ ἀποτίνειν
Ἰκαρίῳ, αἴ κ᾽ αὐτὸς ἑκὼν ἀπὸ μητέρα πέμψω.  (Od. 2.131-34
Antinous, in no way can I thrust out of the house against her will the mother that bore me and reared me; and, as for my father, he is in some other land, whether is alive or dead. It would be unfair for me to pay back a great price to Icarius, as I must, if of my won will I send my mother away.
4.1   付這一筆賠償金是不公義(It would be unfair for me to pay back a great price to Icarius/ κακὸν δέ με πόλλ᾽ ἀποτίνειν Ἰκαρίῳ),此外會引起一連串的負面反應與後果。
4.2   Telemachos似乎不是因為愛他的母親才挺身而出,而是因為害怕與經濟的壓力?

